Mirror from: Extraterrestrial Contact - Let Disclosure Begin!

They've always been with us. You've seen them in your dreams. Others have become aware and featured them in books, movies, television, commercials. Cave dwellers recorded their visits. Stories passed down to us became myths.
Who decided what was fact and fiction? And why?
Why are some stories myth and others recorded as religious fact?
Who are these sprites that came in the night?
What is/was their agenda to keep us in the dark?
Are we receiving contact and if so, from whom?
The answer comes from within and the connection of your soul with GodSource, Universal Consciousness and All That There Is, Was and Ever Will Be.
You are the chooser
It’s all up to you. You’re making this up anyway, as you go along. So where do you go with your individual story? How can you affect the human story. And will your choice be love and light and fear and dark? It’s up to you.
For me, I chose a paradigm of love, light and connection to God Consciousness. I realize I am connected to the grand scheme of things and that connection and awareness grows stronger with each passing day. I grow, evolve and am becoming enlightened (in light), and as I awaken I am aware that I am supported by my guides, soul family, angels, guardians of light, council of elders and wise ones, interdimensionals, aliens and extraterrestrials aligned with God (goodness), love and light.

We are all One at the core and we move through awareness of our connections in physical realms. In spirit we are always connected. It’s just Maya, illusion that keeps us from that awareness on a physical level and that’s perfect too, for our unconsciousness allows us to co-create and diversify existence, which benefits us all.
The Evidence is Overwhelming
Hundreds of thousands of witnesses have come forth over time.
The Evidence is Overwhelming
Hundreds of thousands of witnesses have come forth over time.
How many more sightings do we need until we admit they're here?
Educate yourself, investigate the evidence. Tell your friends, families. Talk about it.
Educate yourself, investigate the evidence. Tell your friends, families. Talk about it.
Insist your government come clean.
The Sky Families are waiting for us to invite them to contact us.
We're being invited to become members of a wider galactic community.
It's time for childhood to end.
Direct Contact En Masse in the 21st Century has already begun
Invite first contact: Before you sleep, tell them you wish to see them. You may be afraid at first, but over time you'll become used to seeing them, to living moments outside your box. The matrix is intense, heavy, controlling. But you are more than your physical self. You are an endless, timeless being. You have free will. You are a co-creator with God, with the Creator of All. This is your birthright. The time is now.
Set Yourself Free. Set All of Us Free
Our lives have been hijacked by the power elite. We are corporate, economic slaves. Technologies exist that will free us from mass slavery. Free energy systems exists that will eliminate our dependency on oil. Physical immortality is our birthright. Disease and aging are simply modern day genocide designed to keep us from living long enough so that we become wise and discover our true, spiritual selves. Religions are dogma designed to keep us from true knowingness of God. Time to meet our galactic brothers and sisters. The truth will propel us to consciousness, higher levels of awareness and spiritual evolution.
by Janet Kira Lessin

1989 - Nashville, Tennessee. September 27. The photographs of these UFOs were provided by Commander Graham Bethune of the US Navy. He obtained these photographs of a FS-143 saucer from a close friend who claimed to have rendezvoused with another intelligence and requests anonymity.
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