FREE, the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounte rs...
is undertaking the first ever comprehensive academic researc h study on the ET Contact Phenomena
The FREE Experiencer Research Study.

Our study will focus on individuals who have had any type of UFO related “Contact” with non-human intelligent beings. No one has ever attempted this type of study before. For the first time ever, we will have comprehensive data on the Experiencer Contact Phenomena.
A Word file can be sent to you via email by contacting Rey Hernandez of the FREE Foundation. It contains a document entitled "Preliminary Findings" from our FREE Experiencer Research Study. This document is a preliminary report of the data from our first of our three part research study.
The data is presented in a series of “Pie Charts” for approximately 80% of our Phase 1 Survey questions. The data was collected over a five month period. We hope to continue this project for many years and to write a formal report on our findings at the end of each year.
All of our data will be made available to the public at the end of each year. The attached 2 page cover letter provides additional information on our research study.
Please circulate and forward this email and attached document as widely as possible
and encourage other Experiencers to take our survey.
In approximately 2 weeks our Phase 2 Survey will be ready and this survey has over one thousand questions. Once again, our FREE Experiencer Research Study is historic and this type of comprehensive academic research study has never been attempted before.
We want to clarify several negative rumors that have been circulating around the internet. The first rumor is that our research study is not a scientific study.
In response, we want to inform everyone that the FREE Experiencer Research Study was developed and supervised by 2 retired Professors of Psychology - Dr. Jon Klimo, the world's leading academic on the so called "Paranormal" phenomena, and Dr. Leo Sprinkle, the pioneer in the research field of “ET Contact/Abduction” who published his first article in this subject in 1962.
Dr. Jon Klimo is the Chair of our FREE Experiencer Research Study.
Professor Klimo has chaired over 250 Ph.D. dissertations in his 40 years in academia, 75 of them have been on the topic of the "Paranormal". He has published numerous academic books and articles on the "Paranormal", most in peer reviewed academic journals.
Professor Klimo has also taught “Research Methodology” for over 40 years, beginning as a Professor at Rutgers College and he also developed the “Research Methodology” for the FREE Experiencer Research Study.
FREE website:
This article is contributed by Rey Hernandez of FREE foundation.
Please click on Rey's link above to read his Contact Story.

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